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Free access There is a clearly visible statement or licence on the landing page granting free access to every users, including commercial users.
Users can use this web server without email address.
Login There is no login requirement.
This website processes only sensitive human data (such as WGS or WTS or EHRs) and a login is required.
This website can process sensitive data (such as ES or TS from humans) and a login is required for these.
Access to non-sensitive data (e.g. other species or short DNA sequences) must be possible without login.
Cookies This website does not use any cookies.
This website uses session cookies and there is a clearly visible notification on the landing page.
This website uses third-party cookies (e.g. or and there is a cookie consent form describing the different cookies and why they are set.
Updates This is an update of a webserver already published in the WSI or elsewhere. Pubmed ID(s):
This is an update of a manuscript/proposal that was been rejected by the WSI. Running number:
Method(s) Please list the Pubmed IDs of the manuscripts in which your method was validated:
We will not consider web-based classifiers unless the classifier was published in a peer-reviewed journal and the PMID is specified here.
Type webserver web service
Please submit stand-alone as a standard manuscript at (category: Computational Biology).
External data I confirm that I am allowed to include all used external data in this application.

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Cover letter
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One-page summary
max. 300 words

The proposal must be submitted in the 'one-page summary' field. The proposal will be reviewed on the basis of the one-page summary entered above. You can add a PDF for figures. The PDF must not be longer than one page.
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